
Uncanto di Villagana 1290 såld till Belgien

Lövsta Stuteris topphingst El Barone 111 till Malin Baryard-Johnsson

Pepparkaksbollar och chai latte till adventsfikat!

Toppförärvaren Cristallo II 1366 tillbaka på Lövsta Stuteri

Talangrådgivningen inställd

Stark kür-debut för Tinne och Etoine i Lidköping

Årets högst bedömda föl!
Le Blue Diamond van´t Ruytershof to Lövsta Stuteri
Lövsta Stuteri is happy to welcome Le Blue Diamond Van’t Ruytershof, a stallion well known for his strong performance in both sport and breeding.
Le Blue Diamond Van’t Ruytershof (BWP,2011, bred by T´Ruytershof Van den Branden) sired by the renowned Plot Blue, who competed at the 1.60m level with Marcus Ehning, and out of Diamanthina Van’t Ruytershof, has already carved out a strong reputation in the show jumping world. Diamanthina herself competed successfully at the highest levels and is the full sister to Emerald Van’t Ruytershof.
Initially trained by Jan Vermeiren and after that guided by top rider Olivier Philippaerts and his brother Thibault Phillippaerts, Le Blue Diamond Van’t Ruytershof has been successful up to 5* Grand Prix level. In 2021, he was a part of the Belgian bronze team at the European Championship in Riesenbeck and contributed to their victory at the Global Champions League Final in Prague. He last competed at the beginning of August, with placement in the 155 Grand Prix in Opglabbeek.
- "It has been an honor to have ridden Le Blue for many years, sharing so many incredible moments together. He is a fantastic horse with a golden character, excellent technique, and a super mindset,” says Olivier Philippaerts.
Thibault Philippaerts adds;
- "It was an honor to have had the opportunity to ride Le Blue. With him, I gained even more experience at the highest level.”
Ludo Philippaets concludes:
- “We want to thank Jan Vermeiren and Joris de Brabander for entrusting us with this fantastic horse and allowing us the joy of working with him for so long. We are very happy to have found such a great home for Le Blue Diamond at Lövsta Stuteri. This horse has been very special to our family and knowing that he will be in such good hands gives us great comfort.”
Le Blue Diamond has already sired 12 approved sons, and his first crop are moving up to 150-level.
- “We are thankful to the Phillippaerts family and Jan Vermeiren for trusting us with this amazing horse. His impressive bloodlines make him an excellent addition to our breeding program, offering Swedish mare owners exciting new opportunities. Off course, he has also proven himself at the top level of our sport and is quite the professor already. We’re looking forward to seeing him under the saddle of Stella Röhlcke, who will be his new rider,”says Alexandra Mörner, head of the show jumping stallion program at Lövsta Stuteri.
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