First riders confirmed for Lövsta Top 10 Dressage

Isabell Werth, Patrik Kittel, and Therese Nilshagen are all set to compete in the Lövsta Top 10 Dressage during the Sweden International Horse Show, where ten of the world's top dressage riders will compete for the prestigious Top 10 title.

- "This competition is truly one of a kind," says Patrik Kittel.

As the initial names are revealed, it is particularly exciting that Sweden, for the first time in almost six years, has two riders ranked in the top 10 globally. While Therese Nilshagen has previously entered the Top 10 competition as a wild card, the latest world rankings have elevated her to the tenth position. Simultaneously, Patrik Kittel holds the seventh rank globally. The last time Sweden had two riders in the top 10 was at the turn of 2017-2018.

- "Sweden International Horse Show is a fantastic event, and it's great to have the support of the wonderful Swedish audience. It is definitely one of the highlights of the year for me. Moreover, Stockholm is my home arena," says Therese Nilshagen.

Patrik Kittel is also looking forward to returning and competing on Swedish soil.

- "Of course, I look forward to being back in the Friends Arena! Lövsta Top 10 is not just one of the world's best dressage competitions; it's an entire concept filled with inspiration and knowledge," says Kittel.

German dressage giant Isabell Werth loves Sweden and its audience and has participated in all Top 10 competitions except one.

- "Top 10 is everything that we riders have talked and dreamed about for several years. A competition that showcases world-class dressage for the spectators in an entertaining way without compromising on the sporting quality," she has stated previously.

Lövsta Top 10 Dressage spans two days, featuring the FEI Grand Prix on Saturday, December 2, and the culminating and decisive freestyle final, Lövsta Top 10 Dressage FEI Grand Prix Kür, on Sunday, December 3.

Dressage enthusiasts can also look forward to a wealth of inspiration, including open training sessions and classes for the future stars of dressage.

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